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-Primitive Pursuits​
I interned as an environmental educator with Primitive Pursuits my sophomore year from March 2011 through April 2011. I assisted with running a once-per-week after school wilderness education camp at Enfield Elementary, about 5 miles outside of Ithaca. It was valuable experience to watch how the other instructors ran activities and taught concepts. It was through this experience that I realized environmental education for youth was something which I strongly valued and wanted to be involved in in the future.

-Community Energy, Inc.

I interned with Community Energy, Inc. from March 2012 through September 2012. I helped to promote Community Energy’s Catch the Wind program which allows NYSEG customers to purchase locally sourced wind power from wind farms across New York State as a portion of their monthly energy bill. The wind farms sell their energy to the grid and, legally, NYSEG is required to buy the energy. The Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) in turn displace fossil fuels in the market. As an intern I got experience interacting with people and becoming comfortable presenting and conversing about the advantages and disadvantages of wind power. I tabled events such as the Ithaca Farmer’s Market, Ithaca Festival, and Apple Festival to promote this program.


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